
I Never Meant It To Be This Way

I feel horrible. After reading those words, I just... :(
For all this time, I've been waiting so long for my turn to get what I want, and here I am, with everything I want laid out in front of me. But how can I take this if it means I have to hurt someone in the process of it? A really, really nice genuine person, too. I wish I could've helped myself, for all the people who's feelings have been hurt.. How can I do this? How could I be so selfish :( And when he called her name.. What if.. maybe, we need to wait this out. I can't be that girl who hurts her, I don't want that person to be me. I just can't :(


  1. Hi Carolyn. Do you remember? This is my friend, Richard. :P

  2. HAHA! Oh boy, that was a first bad impression.

  3. hey carolyn, you seem like a smart and nice girl, even though u have everything laid out in front of you, you want something that starts off on a good note, something that will make you smile and think about when you first met and how you started off. that being said, life is too short, doing something for yourself, doesnt mean your selfish, its your life you should be happy and every day you wake up you should have something to look forward to

  4. it never stopped you before, why the sudden change in heart? wow, you've grown a conscience all of a sudden


  6. I clicked your Facebook, and was like 'Hey, she looks familiar'. And realised.. Asean Ball.. Carolyn.. :P

  7. :):) NAWWWW! shoulda told me it was you! haha you caught me right after my performance and i was like huhhhh why are these peopel looking at me!!

  8. I know too well about taking risks and taking a leap of faith... which is what i did.... and i don't regret it one bit... People around me have changed their perceptions about me, and i don't blame them. But let me ask you one thing... if there was something you really wanted; are you gonna be the person who sits in the corner and let's other people take it, without fighting for it? I wouldn't. No matter who is in my way, or what is in my way, i will drop anything to go after what i want, but only if what i wanted was not only on the bottom of my heart but the surface as well... and you are exactly what i want; and that is why i dropped everything.


thank you for visiting carolyn sexybum, write me a love letter below :)